Funding and Supports for SMEs in 2023 (LEO)
Priming Grants for Start-Ups
- Micro enterprises with up to 10 employees (or full-time equivalents)
- Trading both in Ireland and internationally
- Within the first 18 months of start-up
- Has potential to develop into Internationally Trading Services (ITS) and manufacturing
- Can be used for capital items e.g., renovating, equipment or utilities costs
- Salary costs – Subject to the 50% limit, a maximum grant of up to €15,000 per full time job
- Consultancy, Innovation and Marketing costs
- Cannot be used towards the purchase of a building, land or any mobile assets
- Maximum Priming Grant <50% of the investment up to €80,000
- LEO can approve up to €150,000 in certain situations
Business Expansion Grant for Growth
- To assist businesses, employing up to 10 staff
- Cannot apply for a Business Expansion Grant for 12 months after receipt of Priming Grant
- The maximum <50% of the investment
- Exceptional circumstances, €150,000
- Can be used for capital items e.g., renovating, equipment or utilities costs
- Salary costs – Subject to the 50% limit, a maximum grant of up to €15,000 per full time job
- Consultancy, Innovation and Marketing costs.
Feasibility/Innovation Grant?
- To help small businesses in the research of market demand for a product or service
- to further examine how sustainable the idea is
- assistance with innovation, consultancy fees and technical development e.g., making a prototype.
- maximum grant is from 50% of investment and up to a maximum of €15,000
- Can cover market research costs and consultancy costs e.g. design, financial or legal fees
- Can cover technical development, innovative design, research costs consultancy
- Salary or own labour research –maximum is €400 a week but <20% of the overall grant
- Can cover miscellaneous costs – telephone, mileage, overnight costs, air travel etc.
Research, Development, and Innovation (RD&I) Grants
- Agile Innovation Fund
- manufacturing or internationally traded services companies
- for the development of new or substantially improved products, services
- total project cost <€300,000
- For companies who are new to RD&I or for small or short projects
- Costs covered are staff costs, overheads, materials, consultancy etc.
Other Supports
Click the links below to find out more about other supports available for SMEs:
- Food companies
- Digital start-ups
- Lean systems – cutting costs and waste
- Environmental supports
- Training
- Mentoring – we can provide marketing, business planning or financial mentoring!
Funding can be provided to sole traders, partnerships, and Limited companies. However, retail enterprises, personal services, professional services or construction and local services are not eligible for grant aid.