Education & Training Board (ETB)
Funded Supports for SMEs in 2023
Skills for Work
- Providing training opportunities for self-employed and/or employees
- To deal with basic skill demands of the workplace
- Funded by the Irish Government through the Department of Education
- Managed locally by TETB
- Types of courses offered include: Internet, Email, Word Processing, Spreadsheet, Personal and Interpersonal Skills, Professional Development, Workplace Communications, English Language, Herd Registration courses for Farmers, etc.
- There is no charge for SFW, courses can be adapted to employees needs
- Run onsite/offsite at flexible times
- Courses may be either accredited or non-accredited
- For those over 35 years of age in manufacturing employment
- Run in conjunction with and funded by the Regional Skills for Work
- Aims to upskill employees in technology and IT
- 2 days offsite followed by facilitator working onsite over 7 weeks to develop onsite system
- Projects are developed with local management
- Courses are non-accredited
Skills to Advance
- For upskilling and re-skilling employees whose skill level is below level 5 on the NFQ
- Training up to Level 5 is fully funded and 70% funded at level 6
- Skills to Advance is open to all employees
- Priority will be given to employees with skills below level 5, who are classified as vulnerable (at risk of economic displacement, age 50+) or are currently in a lower skilled job
- Recent Skills to Advance courses include: supervisory management, barista skills, Adobe, Microsoft Technology Associate and Azure
Online Courses
TipperaryETB in partnership with e-college/SOLAS offers a wide range of online courses. Find out more.
Bespoke Training
- For training needs not covered by existing ETB course offering
- Tipperary ETB is committed to providing courses relevant to the needs of industry
- Contact TETB to discuss your training needs
- Demand driven, workplace and classroom, educational and training programme aimed at developing the skills of the apprentice to meet the needs of industry and the labour market
- Anyone wishing to become an apprentice must first obtain employment with an approved employer and meet the entry requirements of the apprenticeship
- On successful completion of an apprenticeship, QQI certification is awarded
Work Placements
- For employers with a work placement opportunities
- Many of Tipperary ETB programmes include a work experience element of various durations, where learners earn valuable experience in actual working environments as part of their education/training course
- These placements are beneficial for the learner and the employer
- Contact TETB to register your interest in providing work placement